Go green and joyful!

Organizatia Suedeza pentru Ajutor Umanitar Individual offer a home for 23 adults with severe disabilities and occupational therapy services for 50 elderly and adults with disabilites from our comunity.
We started our work in 1991. Organizatia Suedeză pentru Ajutor Umanitar Individual (OSAUI) was founded by Individuell Människohjälp, IM. IM has been present in Romania since 1991. After the fall of the communist regime in 1998, IM decided to take care of 24 neglected and severe disabled children. The aim was to create a safe environment where these children could grow up and show that all children are able to develop under right conditions. The first home for them was the building from Voluntari, a city near Bucharest, built with the entire financial support of IM.

23 adults with severe mental and physical impairments, abandoned by their families, are hosted in our Residential Center – Nils, in Voluntari city. All of them have difficulties with walking and a part of them are using wheelchairs.

This project aims to rehabilitate the alleys of the center and setting up a green therapeutic space for relaxation, sport activities and spending free time.
The alleys have a total length of 2000 m2. They have deteriorated over time and need to be rehabilitate.
Our yard has 2000 m2. We already have planted trees and flowers, but we would like to set up special spaces with a therapeutic aim:
- an orchard with ten trees
- a sensory garden with special flowers and plants for occupational therapy and improving the quality of the life of our beneficiaries.
- a garden for vegetables
- a space for sport activities



Total costs 20000 $


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